About DGPs

The German Psychological Society (DGPs)

The German Psychological Society (DGPs, the Society) is an incorporated association of qualified psychologists engaged in research and teaching. Its goal is to advance and expand scientific psychology.
It is an exclusively non-profit-making association focusing on the following tasks:

  • Organizing psychology congresses, held generally every 2 years.
  • Promoting intradisciplinary communication within the entire field of psychology.
  • Encouraging psychological and interdisciplinary research programs.
  • Promoting publications within the field.
  • Protecting and enhancing the status of psychology at universities, at research institutes and other scientific establishments, in education and other occupational fields, as well as in the public sphere.
  • Supporting future generations of scientific psychologists. This includes both promoting scientific qualifications for postgraduates and encouraging international scientific exchange.
  • Participating in the regulation of training and testing procedures within psychology.
  • Cooperating in the further education of graduate psychologists, particularly regarding the scientific aspects of such programs.
  • Appointing experts as well as consultants for research funding and other institutions.
  • Preparing statements on scientific issues in psychology.
  • Collaborating with psychological organizations, neighbouring disciplines, and other scientific societies. The DGPs uses such cooperation to defend the scientific interests of psychology.
  • Participating in international scientific associations and organizations.
  • Informing the general public about the state of the art and trends in psychology.

The Society is based in Berlin. It currently has more than 5,300 members. Membership can be either full or associate.


The German Psychological Society (DGPs, the Society) is an incorporated association of qualified psychologists engaged in research and teaching. Its goal is to advance and expand scientific psychology.
It is an exclusively non-profit-making association focusing on the following tasks:

  • Organizing psychology congresses, held generally every 2 years.
  • Promoting intradisciplinary communication within the entire field of psychology.
  • Encouraging psychological and interdisciplinary research programs.
  • Promoting publications within the field.
  • Protecting and enhancing the status of psychology at universities, at research institutes and other scientific establishments, in education and other occupational fields, as well as in the public sphere.
  • Supporting future generations of scientific psychologists. This includes both promoting scientific qualifications for postgraduates and encouraging international scientific exchange.
  • Participating in the regulation of training and testing procedures within psychology.
  • Cooperating in the further education of graduate psychologists, particularly regarding the scientific aspects of such programs.
  • Appointing experts as well as consultants for research funding and other institutions.
  • Preparing statements on scientific issues in psychology.
  • Collaborating with psychological organizations, neighbouring disciplines, and other scientific societies. The DGPs uses such cooperation to defend the scientific interests of psychology.
  • Participating in international scientific associations and organizations.
  • Informing the general public about the state of the art and trends in psychology.

The Society is based in Berlin. It currently has more than 5,300 members. Membership can be either full or associate.


The Executive Committee is responsible for managing the Society. The current officers for the period 2018 to 2020 and their functions are outlined below. The members of the Society elect the Executive Committee every two years.


Prof. Dr. Stefan Schulz-Hardt

First Vice President

Prof. Dr. Eva-Lotta Brakemeier

Second Vice President

Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz-Renner, UniBw Munich


Prof. Dr. Anna-Lena Schubert, Mainz University


Prof. Dr. Matthias Nückels, Freiburg University

Honorary Assessor

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Ansorge, Vienna

Representative for junior scientists

Dr. Anne Gärtner, TU Dresden

Further administrative bodies of the Society - in addition to the Executive Committee and the General Assembly - are committees or commissions.
Further administrative bodies of the DGPs in addition to the Executive Committee and the General Assembly are the Professional Tribunal empowered to take disciplinary actions, and the committees or commissions. The Executive Committee may appoint commissions to address special scientific as well as organizational issues, and decides on the task, the composition, and the convening of said commissions. The General Assembly may also call for the establishment of a committee for a given task if they gain the majority of the votes from members with voting privileges.


An overview of the commissions (in German) can be found here.


The Federation of German Psychological Societies is the international representation of the DGPs and the BDP. The presidency alternates in a two year cycle with the DGPs holding presidency in odd years.
The Federation of German Psychological Societies is a member of  the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS), the European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EFPA) as well as the International Test Commission (ITC).
The federation also administers various expert committees in Psychology. An overview oft he expert committees (in German) can be found here.